Six Four Coffee Ethiopia Misty Valley Single Origin 250g
Medium roast, floral, bergamot acidity, blueberry with earl grey finishing.
Sa bagersh created and owns the Misty Valley brand in ethiopia. They are one of the most established exporters in Ethiopia and have been in business for well over 70 years. Currently, the farm is managed by a third generation descendant of the founder ( grandson ).
Only Q grade coffees coming from Kochere and Yirgacheffe district of Gedeo zone are used to create Misty Valley. The high altitude ,mountainous valleys, dark brown volcanic soil and adequate rainfall ensure that microclimates highly suitable for arabica
Only ripe cherries are picked and processed using state of the art Pinhalense machines with colour sorting and finally handpicked at the end of process.
The complexity fruitiness and overwhelming chocolate flavours are achieved through repeated experimentation to achieve the right ratio while blend among each year's crop.